I went for an interview that day and I was totally stunned by the way the boss interviewed me.
My only guess why he appeared to be so cheeky during the interview was because he was trying to test me on my skills to handle such behaviors and topics. Well, there is no doubt that this industry that I might be venturing into is totally bitchy especially when it is dominated by people who seek wealth and fame through popularity and networking. Hence, communication and relationship building is extremely crucial to be successful.
One thing which caused me to really ponder upon is when I commented that I’m single after hearing his remarks that my boyfriend would be worried because of my photogenic looks while viewing my photo on my resume. HA!!
I was taken aback by his very stunned look and response after hearing that I have been single for 6 years and I only had 1 serious relationship which lasted 2-3 weeks in my whole 20+ years on Earth.
I look like a player meh? HAHAHA!!
His response is “HUR?? You so pretty no boyfriend, only 1 serious relationship and got no play play ones. You sure or not? I don’t believe you!”
Seriously, I believe I could have performed better if I was warned beforehand that it would be so. I could have been more bitchy. MUAHAHAHAHA!!
But anyway, I thought about how I have been living my entire life as a youth while others are going about to have fun in changing from 1 boyfriend to another, going out to play, have fun and be wasted. Actually, even without this event, I am very clear as to where I have ‘sown my life as a youth’ to.
Knowing God since the age of 10 has set me apart from the rest. So sometimes you might wonder why do I have such a different principle or response towards various matter, or why would I have such a great capacity to show grace and mercy to various people who does not deserve it. It voice down to a different up-bringing and environment. I was taught a different set of guidelines, principles and mindset since the young age of 10 by my parents and the One who knows me and my future better than myself. Never regret it even though others might have an impression that I am a mummy’s girl or some innocent and naïve nerd during my days as a youth or have an impression that I might stand to lose out from the rest.
Same church, same direction but a total different mindset and principle. I met some other friends in church who also has a bigger picture in mind yet does not understand how to show grace or be an encourager to another's vision. To me, it was as simple as having that understanding that everyone is wired up to be different and God deals differently with everyone yet another just seem to be blinded and cannot see this fact. To me, when I sow into your dream, another would sow into mine, yet another does not understand the meaning of sowing into others. To me, I learnt that I should never be too quick to judge because we serve the same God who does miracles yet another does not understand that. To me, having hope and joy towards something that is not seen but a promise or a word has been given is the key to breakthrough yet to another it means that you have a weak foundation and you do not know your vision. While I am here typing, it might seem like I'm judging another but I have no interest in that except to state the fact which happened to me personally.
Sometimes I wonder where does people get their doctrine and convictions from. We are made in the image of God however for some, I am really not convinced that God is like that.
I guess this is the difference. I learnt to show grace because of the grace that has been shown to me and I appreciate it. However so, I'm not perfect, there are times when my capacity is also challenged.
But what I understand is that the world is seeking love, acceptance and security, and this is why they came here. They don't need another person to judge them or pour water onto their passion because they can easily find one out there.
I will keep on following Jesus though it can be tough at times but following Him will never get you to the wrong place with the wrong people in the wrong environment doing the wrong things with no bright and successful future.