Pst Paul Scanlon preached about winter is over, spring has come. He shared about being beaten to the ground like a wrestling match, the devil starts counting to 10 (10 means we are defeated and lost the match). Before it reached 10, you will lift your shoulder so that he will have to reount again.
You do this until you start to lift your body up from the ground. You keep trying and looking forward until you are up again; you have no idea how you did but you did it by the grace of God.
There is a shift in the season but you will never know when is the first day of spring because it happens under the snow from the winter.
It was winter, you sense a change in the season and you are ready for spring to sow into this season. You are out of winter, remove the layers (protection), get ready for spring (doing a new thing) and have a different language for spring (speaking ahead than from the past). Your thinking, words, vision changes.
When you dress for spring and it is the very early of spring, you look out of place because the rest are still dressed for winter.
God is preparing His team for spring and He has already called us. Some of us already know that He has called and given the vision. It may not come from the leadership instead from the crowd rising up to the occassion.
And you know who you are.
I was astonished, dumbfounded or whatever adjective is it to describe what was going on in me as he was preaching last night. I was tearing at my seat because everything, EVERYTHING that he has described related to me but the difference was he could add language to what I sense.
Since last week, when Dr Cho shared "without a vision, the people will perish." I wanted to make a change. On Tuesday, I started to have visions and word from God to meet various ones and I did that before service yesterday (before he shared what he shared). Wednesday during choir worship, I really wanted Him to speak to me, instead He spoke last night.
Today, Pst Paul Scanlon shared about the growth environment. God has picked out a few people and they have left their comfort zone into an uncomfortable or out of their depth environment, inconvenient, not easy etc. In the growth environment, we are in the midst of people who doesnt like us, dont get us, misunderstood our motive and intentions. Same sentiments again.
It is a rhema word; a divine understanding for the situation now and forward.
During the service last night, the Holy Spirit reminded me not to allow past successes, experiences, visions and revelations to control my future neither use them for my future. Because the future is new using new revelation which will be given, new experiences will be formed, new successes will be achieved. Dont allow the past to limit your future because we are going from glory to glory, strength to strength. So the past is NOT the ceiling, its not the highest point we can go now, we will go even higher.