Just want to share the part which caused me to think preached by Pastor Dominic Yeo (invited speaker) last Saturday.
2. When its late, its time for breakthrough (God has His timings)
Pastor Yeo gave us a 2 reasons why God does not want to answer our prayers earlier.
a. We would steal His glory
b. We will try our own methods to make it happen ourselves. As a result interfere with what He would want to do
I think for me, the first point is not an issue, it is more of the second point which I ponder and think. I'm a person who would draw a defined line as to the basic roles and responsibilities which various people should assume. Hence, I'm a person who believes that we all should play our part to make something happen. I would do my best on my part and leave the rest to others, in this case, is God.
This point caused me to think whether sometimes the "part" which I contribute does interfere with His plan? After all, there are many times when I would not seek His voice and do what I think I should do.
I recalled about the farmer who sowed the seeds during the day and went to sleep during the night, woke up the next day and saw that the seeds have grown. We don't have to do anything to make the seed grow; there was no part to play in this scene because it was the act of God. Its the same for miracles and provision for our lives.
Sometimes, I just don't have to do anything except to hold onto the faith that what He say, He will do and expect it to happen. And one of those times, is this time.
NOTHING is impossible.