2013 is over and here comes a new 2014 with brand new 52 weeks or 365 days.
Procrastination is still my weakness.
The first week of January was wasted on procrastination and lazing around. The second week of January was fun as I went to HongKong with the person who love me most, my mom. The third week was used to think about what I want to do. And now this fourth week is action plan.
1. Vacuum and mop the floor
2. Clean the ceiling fans
3. Clean the doors
4. Change my bedsheets
5. Sort my huge wardrobe
6. Donate the stuff that I no longer use - clothes, accessories, bags
7. Create space
8. Change my display
9. Go to Queensway Shopping Centre to look for a cool and good running shoes
10. Looked through the latest fashion shows and saving every inspiration that I like
The world will not stop to wait for you. Don't wait for things to happen, make it happen. And don't stay in the illusion, come back to the reality.
To be done:
1. Resume exercise regime - cycling, running, swimming
2. Scrub the kitchen floor
3. Clear the stuff that I no longer use
4. Get a job
5. Get a cell group